The human body is designed to function within a very narrow body temperature range, despite large temperature differences outside the body.

The freezing winter weather can be dangerous to your health. If your body temperature drops too low it can end up causing a serious and sometimes fatal condition known as hypothermia. Learn to recognize the symptoms of this disease and take the necessary measures to avoid it during this cold winter.


Anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors in very cold weather can get hypothermia. But hypothermia can happen anywhere, not just outdoors and not just in extreme winter weather. It can occur at a cool temperature, for example, if the person gets cold from rain, sweat, or being in cold water.

Symptoms of Hypothermia


Low body temperatures can interfere with the function of vital organs. When cold affects the body, people may have trouble thinking clearly, speaking correctly, or moving easily. Pale, cold skin is also a common symptom. In addition, they may not realize what is happening and may not be able to take steps to warm up or call for help.


We have different mechanisms, such as adjusting the size of our blood vessels or shivering, to help the body maintain a correct body temperature.


What to do in case of hypothermia


Remove the person from the cold or damp place, if possible; remove her wet clothing and cover her with dry blankets or whatever you have on hand. Offer him something hot to drink, but avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks like coffee.


Also avoid giving him a hot water bath, external heat sources can be dangerous because they could cause burns, a drop in blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat.


Notify the doctor. The expert is the one who can best assess the situation and give the appropriate recommendations.


Prevent hypothermia from occurring


Dress in layers, protect your feet, hands and head, avoid sweating, if you plan to work or be outdoors at the mercy of wind, rain or snow, wear waterproof and windproof clothing and footwear. If you get wet, change your clothes as soon as possible.


Hydrate well, drink hot drinks such as infusions and high-calorie foods (broths, stews, rice, pasta, legumes, nuts... ) are also other highly recommended practices.


Certain medications and alcohol can increase the risk of hypothermia.

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Technology of professional safety applied for works carried out in cold and frozen environments.  VÍDEO - TECNOLOGÍA SYMPATEX
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