The satisfaction of being able to heal is incomparable.

foto Cirujano Currante

Willy has spent a lifetime serving people's health. Three family generations of doctors until reaching him have made the healthcare vocation run through the veins of this surgeon. An “almost hereditary” profession that this worker practices and enjoys every day.

Medicine for me is vocational and almost hereditary.

When he faces an operation, he puts all his 5 senses into ensuring that everything goes well. And when finished, release all those emotions contained during the intervention. Being a surgeon is an accumulation of effort and sacrifice that Willy would not change for anything.

Modelo Troza - Panter

Comfort, functionality and safety. Our range for the healthcare sector is perfectly designed to spend long days on your feet, always offering maximum comfort.

Learn about the history of the rest of the Panter workers

The voice of the workers.

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