Soy currante, soy de Panter - Vicente del Bosque
Soy currante, soy de Panter - Vicente del Bosque

In our constant search for talent, we have selected an exceptional group of workers, thanks to the help of an expert recruiter.

Conoce su historia - currante cuidadora

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Mister Vicente del Bosque, official Panter coach

There is no one better than him to select a team of workers who give voice to and represent an entire country.

Previous season

Historia de Bombero - Currantes
Historia Cocinera - Currantes
Historia Viticultor - Currantes
Historia Profesor - Currantes
Historia Turronera - Currantes
Historia Cirujano - Currantes
Historia Pescador - Currantes
Historia Barrendera- Currantes
Historia Agricultor - Currantes
Historia Ingeniera- Currantes
Historia de Electricista- Currantes
Historia Herrero - Currantes
Historia Forestal - Currantes
Historia albañil - Currantes
Historia Estibadora - Currantes

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